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 What Is a Purple triangle pill?

  • Purple triangle pills are the Medically and scientifically proven cure for treating erectile dysfunction in men while in bed. The incapability of the penis to remain erect while having sexual intercourse. Surprisingly, every 1 out of 5 men worldwide has erectile dysfunction or similar sexual problems. Still, they never come up and discuss them openly with the public, family, and doctor because of the fear of judgment. However, Purple triangle pills are readily available to make the men feel powerful while having sexual intercourse and make the partner happy, fulfilling, and satisfied.

About Purple triangle pill

  • Purple triangle pill has sildenafil citrate as it’s chief and sole chemical composition helpful in stimulating the blood in the entire body. The pelvic region to prepare the fan is to have the right amount and durable erection throughout the sexual intercourse. There could be numerous reasons behind the emergence of erectile dysfunction.
  • Frequently, people who are between the age of 18-65 years may go through issues of erectile dysfunction or similar sexual problems. Besides that, other reasons could include physiological factors, psychological imbalance, emotional breakdown, injuries, and accidents that happen to the spinal cord or the penis in childhood, disturbance to the sleeping and eating patterns, smoking or drinking addiction, or a sudden shift in the contemporary lifestyle.

 How does the Purple triangle pill work?

  • The main ingredient of Purple triangle pills, sildenafil citrate, stimulates the enzyme within the body of the person who has erectile dysfunction called Phosphodiesterase (PDE5) inhibitors. Phosphodiesterase (PDE5) inhibitors help break down the other chemicals and glands in the person’s body to release, relax, and activate the debit the blood to have a good blood flow in the entire body, especially to the pelvic region.

Can you take every day Purple triangle pill?

  • Yes. one can take doses of Purple triangle pill every day after getting a consultation from the doctor. It is medically safe and secure to undergo a diagnosis process, scanning about the entire medical conditions, studying the body responsiveness towards the drug, age of the person, current health conditions, and the severity of erectile dysfunction. However, that should be a gap of at least 24 hours between two doses of Purple triangle pill to minimize the severe side effects on the health.

Purple triangle pill dosage

  • The amounts of doses and frequency of intake of Purple triangle pills depends on the person’s age, the severity of the problem, current medical condition, the responsiveness of the body mechanism of the person towards a particular drug, and medical history. One should take the tablets of Purple triangle pill orally, with the help of a glass of normal water, without chewing, crushing, grating, grinding, or breaking the drugs into pieces.
  • The person should take the dose of the Purple triangle pill for approximately 30 to 45 minutes before entering into sexual intercourse for getting better results in bed. There should be a gap of 24 hours between two subsequent doses of Purple triangle pill to prevent negative repercussions on the person’s health. Moreover, to minimize potential allergies popping up during the Purple triangle pill, one should check the consumption of grapefruits.

Missed Dose

  • One should not miss the doses of Purple triangle pill if the priority is to get a maximum erection and get a good hand over curing erectile dysfunction. Missing one dose of Purple triangle pill reduces the probabilities of bringing effectiveness in bed. So, the person following the prescription and medication of the tablets should not forget or skip the prescription doses suggested by the physician.
  • If, in case, the amount is missed by mistake, then should cover up the gap as soon as possible. However, skipping is much helpful and healthier if the time is rarely left for the next dose. But the patient with the issues of erectile dysfunction should inform the doctor about the same immediately and ask for remedial actions to be taken to cure the problem.


  • Additional amounts of chemical components of the Purple triangle pill in the person’s body are as harmful as the lack of the drug in the system. So, one should never overdose on the Purple triangle pill just for the sake of experimenting to get a durable and stretched erection. However, the assumption is entirely wrong; instead of getting a healthy and elongated erection, the additional consumption of the pills poses severe health issues.
  • So, the user should not do overdose at any cost. If an extra and durable erection is needed to have more prolonged sexual intercourse, the person should go to the doctor for some other way out rather than self-medication. The physician should be in the loop throughout the medication duration, and regular updates and recovery tracker should reach the doctor’s interval.
Similar Medicine Choice Here: Fildena 100

Purple triangle pill Precautions and warning

1.Avoid Alcohol: The physicians in the experts in the field always advise people with erectile dysfunction to leave alcohol consumption during the prescription of Purple triangle pills. Such recommendations are made to prevent the severe health impacts on the person’s wellbeing by consuming the drugs. Even the reaction between alcohol and Sildenafil gives byproducts that are hazardous to the health of the person.

2.Allergic to Sildenafil – The main ingredient of Purple triangle pills is Sildenafil. So, those who are allergic to Sildenafil should not try the doses of Purple triangle pills. Such pre-existing conditions can lead to some adverse reactions and negative health impacts.

3.Pregnant women: Pregnant women are very prone to the chemical elements of Purple triangle pills. So, the ones who are pregnant or planning to conceive a child in recent times should not consume the tablets of the Purple triangle pill. Such violation without a physician’s consultation can lead to some fatal consequences on the entire body of the woman and the potential child.

4.Women breastfeeding – Purple triangle pills are sensitive drugs and should be taken only after consulting the doctor, undergoing a thorough diagnosis, and following the prescription, which is suitable to the person’s body mechanism and wellbeing. Under that, women who breastfeed their children should never try these pills. Otherwise, some deteriorating health impacts on the mother’s body and mainly get transmitted to the child. That transmission of chemicals to the child’s body may hamper the natural biological growth and development process.

5.Neither drive nor operate heavy machinery – Purple triangle pills could prove hazardous and detrimental to the entire wellbeing of the person physically and mentally if the person does not follow the directions along with warnings and precautions. So, the person following the doses of Purple triangle pills should not try to drive just after taking the drugs nor operate or handle any heavy machinery.

6.Follow the doctor’s prescription – Position is the supreme person who can decide the amount and frequency of doses of Purple triangle pill to take to cure erectile dysfunction. So, people should not self-medicate themselves just after comparing the symptoms and signs by the body with some online platform. So, if they wish to effectively improve the problem of erectile dysfunction, follow the doctor’s guidelines and directions.

Purple triangle pill side effects

Purple triangle pills are used for treating the problem of erectile dysfunction in men, where they are unable to keep up enough erection to have smooth, pleasuring, satisfactory, and happy sexual intercourse. However, Purple triangle pills too come with specific side effects, some of the commonly observed and regularly seen once here. Out of the list, loss of hearing and change in vision are the extreme ones, and instant medical attention is needed in those cases.

1.Flushing: As soon as the blood rushes through the vein in the person’s body, taking the doses of Purple triangle pill may bring redness or flushing to the person’s skin. The condition improves as soon as the essence of medicine disappears. However, if flushing keeps on soaring upward and discomforting too much, the person should get immediate medical attention.

2.Headache: One of the most immediate and commonly observed side effects of following the medication of Purple triangle pill is a headache. People often feel milder or severe headaches just after taking the drugs or after the period of three to four hours. Headaches are not in this situation of alarm until and unless they are manageable, tolerable, and bearable. If it gets out of control, Inform the physician to ask for remedial medication.

3.Sleeplessness and dizziness – As soon as the essence of the Purple triangle pill reaches the blood vessels and gets mixed with the blood, it causes sleeplessness, dizziness, drowsiness, and probably unconsciousness to the person taking the drugs. Such a condition prevails until the chemicals are present in the person’s blood and the reactance of the Purple triangle pill.

4.Bloody nose: Purple triangle pills are responsible for smoothening, relaxing, and releasing the blood vessels from the underlining pressure to let the blood flow freely and flawlessly in them. In some cases, the rush of blood might get so high that the person’s body mechanism cannot respond appropriately and may lead to bleeding from the nose. But that happens in few cases and is controllable by the medical aid from the doctor.

5.Burning – Purple triangle pills may give a hard time to the patient following the prescription by germinating burning sensations and susceptibility in the chest, throat, esophagus, or stomach. These sensations are short-term and will fade away either during the course or just after the prescription gets over.

6.Vision changes or sensitivity to light: Purple triangle pills cause Side Effects that are temporary and disappear after a short period. However, there could be chances that the person following the prescription of Purple triangle pills experiences visionary changes. The person may find it difficult to see things, sense a blurry vision, inability to distinguish between colors and even a complete loss of sight. Even there are probabilities that the person’s eyes become sensitive to light and prone to stains.

7.Hearing loss – Purple triangle pills are not entirely free from severe side effects. One of those severe in irrecoverable side effects of Purple triangle pills is finding it difficult to hear correctly, feeling a buzzing and ringing sound in the ears, in some cases even complete loss of hearing. These cases are rare and need immediate medical attention even at first sight of any sign showing deterioration in hearing.

8.Prolonged erection and painful urination: Purple triangle pills may call prolonged erection after the intake of the doses. Such a situation may arise when the patient with erectile dysfunction tries to take overdoses or double doses of Purple triangle pills. The problem of prolonged erection is excruciating, discomforting, and stressful to the person going through it. Even the person finds a lot more difficulties while urinating and walking.


How Long Does the Purple triangle pill take to show effect?

  • The person should take the tablets of Purple triangle pill at least 30-45 minutes before entering into the act of sexual intercourse to experience the best pleasuring sex.

Where can I Buy Purple triangle pills Online?

  • One can purchase the Purple triangle pill from various online platforms such as online stores, virtual pharmacies, e-commerce websites, manufacturing companies’ websites, or other online shops. But before finally buying, the person should check out the reviews, comments, feedback, and opinions of the previous users to ensure credibility, confidentiality, privacy, and security of the data shared.

Purple triangle pill; how long does it last?

  • The essence of the Purple triangle pill remains in the body of the person for 4-5 hours. However, there may be slight differences in durability, differing from individual to individual.

What is the Purple triangle pill?

  • Purple triangle pills are effective tablets for treating the problem of erectile dysfunction in men. the issue in which a man is unable to keep the erection of the penis steady while having sexual intercourse.

Can I take the Purple triangle pill Sildenafil with Alcohol?

  • No. One should never take Purple triangle pills with alcohol. Alcohol and the Purple triangle pill’s chemical ingredients lead to some adverse reactions and deteriorated the person’s consciousness and wellbeing. Moreover, the situation would be under control if the person does not consume alcohol during the entire course of medication on the Purple triangle pill.


Active Ingredient

Sildenafil Citrate


Erectile Dysfunction


Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.


10 tablets in 1 strip



Delivery Time

6 To 15 days


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