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How to keep an erection without medication?

If we look at the latest census, then more than 50% of males in the world have been suffering from the issue of erectile dysfunction, of which the main issue is gaining an erection. Now there are plenty of ways available around with the help of which a person can easily get rid of this issue of gaining harder reaction. The most famous ones out of them are consuming tablets (Sildenafil, Avanafil, or Tadalafil), getting operations done, penis pumps, and many others. But most of these ways have either some kind of complications or side effects or are hard to adopt. But there are some other ways of getting an erection without medication. Want to know in detail that what these others are? If yes, then read the details regarding the subject matter below.

Perk up without pills

If you are looking forward to gaining an erection without medication, then the very first thing you need to do is stop any kind of medication that you are consuming related to erectile dysfunction. There are three major medicines that are mentioned in the introduction of this blog, so this may help you notice which is the medicine that you are consuming related to erectile dysfunction. The reason why medicines are not suggested in the long term is that no matter how safe they are made up of chemicals so they can also be harmful to you if you consume them continuously for a longer time.

Start adapting your life to a better lifestyle.

As we discussed above, getting fat or having stress has a very major impact on erection, and do you know what that one thing that impacts these factors is? That one thing is your diet. If you are taking an improper and unbalanced diet, then you are going to notice that you are not just going to put on weight but also so the hormonal balance of your body is going to get disturbed, which may lead to stress and other major issues.

That is why it is always suggested to you that if you are willing to get harder erections, then you must be very selective about your diet and the food you are eating. It would be best if you consulted a dietitian and got a personalized diet chart to improve your erections without medication.

Cut back on your alcohol intake.

alcoholBeing part of parties and drinking alcohol has become a trend in the millennials, and they found it really cool. But very few of them know that drinking alcohol on a regular basis can affect their sexual life very deeply. Now, most of you must be thinking about how sexual life gets affected due to alcohol, so I must present scientific proof behind the relation of alcohol and sexual life.

When a person is consuming alcohol on a regular basis, then the blood pressure of the body starts remaining on the higher end. Due to this, the body is going to take some steps in order to save the essential organs and slow down the pumping of blood with the help of PDE. Now everyone knows that it attaches to the blood vessels and narrows down the pathway, due to which the blood flow to the penis decreases drastically, and a person is unable to achieve an erection. So in the process of getting an erection without medication, it is very important for everyone to cut off their alcohol slowly and slowly so that there are no withdrawal symptoms in the body also.

Stop smoking

When a person is smoking regularly, then it is noticed that in the body, the blood vessels start clogging. Due to these blocks in the blood vessels, the blood is unable to flow at a proper speed, and the vessels are also incapable of carrying high amounts of blood which is really very important for getting a hard erection without medication. So if you are looking to get your erectile dysfunction naturally cured and again harder erections, then you must start decreasing your dependency on cigarettes and other sorts of smoking devices.

Don’t add too much weight.

Being overweight can also be a reason why a person is unable to get proper erections. The reason behind this is cholesterol and fats are the basic reason for the increase in weight in the human body, and when they start depositing on the blood vessels, then not just the weight of the person increases, the floor of the blood to the penis also decreases manifolds. Also, the stamina of the person starts decreasing gradually, and they are unable to perform well during their sexual activity.

To get control over your weight, all you need to do is start following a diet in which you can add every food you are willing to but in a controlled portion so that you achieve an overall calorie deficit and your weight starts decreasing slowly and slowly. Along with that, you can also add some exercises and walk to your schedule, which can really help you in achieving your calorie deficit and decrease your weight.

Role of diet in harder erections

As we discussed above, getting fat or having stress has a very major impact on erection, and do you know what that one thing that impacts these factors is? That one thing is your diet. If you are taking an improper and unbalanced diet, then you are going to notice that you are not just going to put on weight but also so the hormonal balance of your body is going to get disturbed, which may lead to stress and other major issues.

That is why it is always suggested to you that if you are willing to get harder erection without medication, then you must be very selective about your diet and the food you are eating. It would be best if you consulted a dietitian and got a personalized diet chart to improve your erection without medication.

Reducing stress

Everyone talks about how you should not take up so much stress, and stress is very harmful to your body, but no one actually talks about how a person can get rid of the stress they are facing. Here are a few points that you can actually adopt if you are suffering from stress for a very long period and really want to get rid of it.

• Caffeine intake, which is commonly found very high in the nowadays generation, should be decreased as a first step.
• You must consider doing exercise as when your body is in a happy place; then your mood automatically lifts up.
• You must try meditation every day before starting your work for a few minutes and also before going to bed.
• If something is bothering you, then you must always write it down with pen and paper as it is found to be a very effective way to curb overstress.

Try something new in the bedroom

It is very common human nature that the person gets very easily bored from stuff that they do regularly, and the same thing happens in the bedroom during sexual activity. That is why it is a suggestion to everyone there that they should talk to their partners and find out what they actually like. Now according to that, they must try doing new stuff like a different position or some kind of role-play during the sexual activity in order to improve the erection. Also, it is found that deep talk with your partner, if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, is very important. So discuss with them the issue you are facing, and they are going to be supportive for sure, which will help you get rid of the issue faster.


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